PROJECT: Venezia FC – New Stadium
Client Representation and Feasibility Study
Mestre (VE), Italy
Consultancy: April 2018-present
Stadium size: 18.000 seats
Feasibility Approval: Oct. 2018
Construction: 28 months
Sports Consultancy: CAA ICON Sports
Retail Consultancy: Alvicom
Preliminary Design: Al Turin
BEAR Project Management provides Owner’s Representation and Project Management services for the design and construction Venezia FC’s new stadium in Mestre (VE). BEAR PM advises the client regarding the strategic real estate development decisions and coordinates all the consultants involved in the process. In the first phase, now complete, BEAR PM prepared the feasibility study for Municipal approval, ensuring that the project was awarded the Public Interest status. Other responsibilities include cost management, schedule management, communication management, risk management, and more.
Categories: SPORTS